Saturday, October 4, 2008

Having the Right Effect on Other People
Susan Dunn, MA, Life and EQ Coach"People with small minds talk about other people. People withaverage minds talk about events. People with great minds talkabout ideas" (Anonymous) And people with great hearts talk aboutfeelings.
Dr. Phil has done it again -- come up with just the rightdescriptive phrase. On his show the other day, he confronted ayoung man saying: "Are you just an arrogant jerk who likes toget in someone else’s face and bark?" I was in need of thisdescriptive phrase because I was in an office the other daywhere one of the principals did just that -- he would get insomeone else's face and bark. Every time. All day long. That washis only modus operandi.

Body Language – It’s What You Don’t Say
Author: Bill Willard
Article:You’ll be judged from the moment you walk into a room; the wayyou stand, sit, and use your hands can send messages—intended orotherwise. Sometimes good, sometimes not so good—and sometimescontradicting your intended meaning.

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